Sometimes in spite of all efforts to save a tooth, it might have to be extracted. With tooth decay or stubborn baby teeth that won’t fall out, this can be a helpful procedure. Likewise, wisdom teeth that are impacted or cause the other teeth to become crowded will need to come out.
Our office does simple extractions that require only local anesthesia or pain management. But some teeth, like your wisdom teeth, might need more than that. If that is the case, we will provide referrals to a specialist, and they will handle your care with their expertise.
Why You Might Need a Dental Extraction
Our primary goal is to save your teeth and keep your gums healthy, but sometimes a tooth extraction is the best solution. In fact, there are several reasons why a dental extraction might be necessary. Here are just a few:
- Impacted Teeth | Teeth that are stuck beneath the gums and cannot grow out.
- Teeth Crowding | If there are too many teeth in one area we may remove one
- Tooth Decay | When a tooth is decayed and unable to be repaired.
- Baby Teeth | Sometimes, baby teeth never fall out on their own.
Our top goal is keeping your oral health. We are more likely to recommend pulling baby teeth than permanent ones, especially if you’re child needs braces anyway. We can pull a baby tooth or two to make way for new teeth that will be stronger and straighter!
How Removing a Tooth Can Really Help

A couple of the most obvious benefits of dental extractions are the prevention of advanced tooth decay and the relief of some types of jaw pain. Tooth extraction can also relieve some headaches.
Removing a decaying tooth can also prevent the infection and decay from spreading to other teeth or to your gums and jawbone. While we hope a tooth never gets this infected, treating it quickly is essential. If the extracted tooth is infected, then the extraction could help prevent gum disease.
Removing teeth can make your current teeth and smile healthier and more aesthetic. If you have a tooth that is not getting loose and you have the rest of your adult teeth, it may be time to consider an extraction. Visit us today to see if your smile needs a little help growing in.
What to Expect from a Tooth Extraction
While a tooth extraction may sound scary, it feels similar to getting a cavity filled. You will have local anesthesia in the area we are extracting the tooth, and then you should just feel a little ‘pop!’ It should not be painful. We will monitor you for a couple of minutes to make sure you are doing okay, and then you can go home.
We recommend applying gauze for a short time to prevent bleeding. You can go back to eating solid food when you feel comfortable, but starting out with ice cream and other soft foods is recommended. You can never go wrong with ice cream.
Wisdom Teeth Removal
If you have your wisdom teeth coming in, we will let you know when you get your next X-ray. You may also feel your wisdom teeth coming in or feel pain in the back of your mouth. If you do, contact us to get an X-ray! We do not do wisdom teeth removal in our office, so we will send a referral to a highly capable dental surgeon who can provide the proper anesthesia and remove your wisdom teeth.
When you get your wisdom teeth removed, you will likely be put under anesthesia, so the entire surgery will happen while you are groggy or asleep. Waking up can feel a bit unusual, and some people say some pretty funny things. Your mouth will be slightly swollen, and will probably want to eat soft foods for at least two days. Healing takes one to two weeks, but swelling can go down sooner than that.
Get Comfortable Tooth Extractions in Lebanon, IN
If you think you might need a tooth extraction, please do not hesitate to call us or schedule an online appointment, and let us give you our professional counsel. We want you to be pain-free and healthy!